Nature's Place

Time’s Up …

One of the few frogs showing up. Sedge frog, eastern dwarf green tree frog. About an inch long. They like it among the crucifix orchid.

I take the best I can get, without much ado or strain. They come or they don’t. No need to stress it.

*Click on the pictures for a proper look … and click again

Skink, with a sharp eye on the big looming shadow, me and my camera. Once cornered and they see no danger they might walk onto your hand.

Might. This one on the big yellow bucket. Came out of the hose from the water tank, asleep and rudely awoken, by me. But I hauled him out, or was it her.

And not far away, jumping spider. Her I think. On the fungus covered orange, left to rot on a stick in the garden to provide habitat for a fungus weevil.

The fungus weevil, him and her. Also on a fungus covered orange on a stick. They can live their lives on this orange, plenty of fungus to eat.

Keeping an eye out for what interests her. Big eyes to see all the better with. Ready to jump as and when required, for food or a mate – to get out of his way maybe.

The male, those long front legs. Known to be useful in knocking down the competition in mating and food acquisition. A very competitive creature.

Her, laying into the orange overtaken by fungus now. It’s what they do, some of … And everything comes around again.

Winter is all but over, quicker than another year. The garden is acting like it’s spring, greenery shooting for the sky, some flowers already blooming.

The birds and wallabies come and go but there’s not much insect life yet, nor frogs that eat them. Though there have been rats about throughout the cold time.

Time in the garden, walking and stopping still. Time to sense, to see and smell. Time to fill, with all the forms of sense, and more.

So much sense, no time to kill.

© Mark BerkeryClick on those pictures for a closer lookand click again.



10 Responses

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  1. Reflections of an Untidy Mind said, on 20/08/2023 at 9:21 pm

    Thank you for sharing these lovely photos, Mark. The creatures seem all to be keeping an eye on you, except perhaps when they have other things on their minds. The rats are abundant this year.

    • Mark said, on 23/08/2023 at 6:19 pm

      Thanks Tracy. I’m sure they do. :-)

  2. Rose Robin said, on 20/08/2023 at 7:09 am

    Beautiful…thank you.

  3. kopfundgestalt said, on 19/08/2023 at 7:13 pm

    those long front legs: really something special.

  4. Kate said, on 19/08/2023 at 1:09 pm

    Thank you for sharing your magical insights into the natural world. It’s all happening whether we stop to notice or not. That’s what your photos do for me. Remind me to stop in nature until I notice what I would have never been privy to, had I not stopped – a busy and beautiful world of little creatures. Thanks Mark

    • Mark said, on 19/08/2023 at 8:55 pm

      Thanks Kate. One way or another we need reminding to slow down the momentum.

  5. Sports Savvy said, on 19/08/2023 at 6:52 am

    Lovely photos! It’s great to see the sedge frog and green tree frog thriving among the crucifix orchids. Patience pays off in capturing these tiny wonders. Thank you for sharing!

    • Mark said, on 19/08/2023 at 9:55 am

      Thanks. There’s plenty of space to hide amongst the CO.

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